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Cultural capital

At St Mary's, we are keen to equip the pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital that they need to succeed in life. 
Our definition of cultural capital is taken from the National Curriculum and states, 'It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens by introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement'. 


Chichester Theatre Trip

Matthew - Year 3

'We went to the theatre in Chichester on the train. We had a look around the theatre and we got to look at where they make fake things!  I enjoyed it because we got to go on four trains and we got to go in the place where the audience sit to watch the plays."


RSPB Pulborough Brooks Trip

Minnie-Mae - Year 4

"I went in Mrs Farrant's car!  We did a bug hunt. I was in a group and we found a grasshopper and a stag beetle.  I hadn't seen a stag beetle before.  I knew it was a stag beetle because we all worked it out."


Christ's Hospital Science Day

Alfie - Year 5

"In the first bit we did biology. In the crime scene there were hairs and we had to use microscopes to match them to different suspects.  Also, we did plant samples.  From the different housing areas, there are different plants so we had to match the plant material to the crime scene.  It was really good and very interesting.  Science is my favourite subject... science is fun in school as well.  Space has been my favourite topic because there is so much to learn. "


Hurston Warren

Andrew - EYFS 

"My packed lunch was sandwich, crisps and yogurt.  I looked for bugs and I found a millipede.  It has a lot of legs.  (Had you seen one before?)  No, it was the first time and it was exciting.  I looked for a fly and I found one.  I went in Zara's car with Zara and her mummy."