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Keeping Safe Online

The internet is a fantastic resource, brimming with knowledge, games and a diverse community of people. At St Mary’s CE Primary School we make sure our pupils are aware of the risks to safety that are online and what to do to keep safe. We do this through computing, using Purple Mash, and PSCHE lessons. All of our staff are required to sign our Acceptable Use Policy.

It’s important to talk about our children’s online life with them on a regular basis. Go online with them and look at apps together, look at the many positives of being online but we do encourage parents/carers to talk to their children about how to behave safely when online, to ensure pupils remain safe when perusing at home.

Please find below an extensive list of websites for children and adults that have useful information on keeping safe online.
If you have concerns about internet contacts and concerns and wish to report them, the following websites could be of use:
Internet Safety - Safer Internet Day 2021