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What will our scientists, geologists, physicists, biologists to be able to do when they leave us and what subject knowledge will all Y6 have? 
In a 'rapidly changing world' our children need to be prepared to understand and have knowledge about the world around them. By the end of their time at St Mary's CofE (Aided) Primary School, our Year 6 scientists will have built up knowledge which will enable them to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring around them, predict how things will behave and analyse causes.
They will be able to explain and be able to articulate scientific concepts clearly and precisely using accurate technical terminology. Scientific learning experiences will have developed an excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and the world around them. They will be familiar with asking their own questions and have the relevant skills needed to work out and explain their answers.
The children will have an understanding that scientific ideas have evolved over many years from scientists who have changed the world and the understanding that they have will allow the children to have a positive impact on their world in the future.
We implement the curriculum as seen below on the medium term plan. 

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Summative assessment of pupil discussions about their learning.
  • Images of the children’s practical learning.
  • Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
  • Pupil’s books are scrutinised and there is the opportunity for a dialogue between teachers to understand their class’s work.
  • Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum.