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Fairtrade Fortnight

We launched Fairtrade Fortnight with a whole school worship on Monday. The Fairtrade Prefects, Freya, Darcey, Tyler and Daria, introduced this year's theme, which is all about the future of food. They began with a quiz in which the rest of the school were asked to guess which Fairtrade products were being described, based on a series of clues. The prefects then explained the impact that extreme weather conditions and natural disasters, such as flooding, landslides and drought, can have on farmers.
New Zealand Class performed brilliantly in a drama titled 'Thank You for the Chocolate!' This showed the children just how many people are involved in getting the food that they eat to their kitchen table! The cocoa farmer, ship's captain, factory worker, packer, lorry driver and shopkeeper all have vital roles to play in the journey. Finally, children from South Africa Class performed 'The Fairtrade Step,' ending with the question 'What will your step be?' We encouraged everyone to think about the steps they can take to ensure that the farmers receive a fair price for their hard work.
The presentation below shows how we have celebrated the work of Fairtrade over the years, we hope you enjoy it.